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Saturday, 22 August 2020

The Woman Cycle

The Ladies Menstrual Cycle is one the most significant for health and the familes as well.

There are certain rules and significances that the world should follow to maintain the better comfort areas for the goodness of wellbeings in both the genres

Isolating a person and presuming them to have a honey moon period at that point of time is one big mistake be precise the PMS symptoms are very much similar to labour pains, according to the health care advisory

When you isolate yourself at this time from the family, You don't isolate yourself from God, You can relentlessly pray, the taboo of not praying to certain god is just created my mere domestic humans on earth according to their comfort.

There is ultimate one form that exists which is visibly invicinble and can be felt through the tones and vibrations of the hymns when you chant it to awaken souls. 

The rituals are mere customs to bring certain vibes of concentration to your body, If not where ever you tether to stand and chant, you will feel the presence of his existence, because every atom whether the living or Non living has his presence and is created only and only through his own allowance.

Do not take the power of his chants to ones head, And command over people or belittle someone, by being a know it all!

Observe the variety, Give a chance to change, Appreciate the new and treasure the history, Everyone has their go!

Avoid taking the pride of praying to head, Know that you stand, talk and preach only because he allows you, If not your existence as no value, So be politely humble by guarding your own self respect!

The Menstrual Cycle is the boon to the world!
The whole cell system of the body is changed and released.

 The world for which the ancestors wait for seeds to get nourished through the trauma of 9months, to have an offspring, Shud not just cherish the flowers but also love the consequences of it.

So appreciate and bow to the world who has granted you life, As they Say, Devaki is the seed mother, But Yashoda is the journey of 9months to innumerable pains and till the end of it.

When a woman bears the soreness, And has given her own level of sacrifices, Appreciate them, And be humble. But,these instances does not encourage the society to offer her more grievances and expect a new level of sacrifices.

So, Dear Woman..
Your kind, But let that not your kindness be taken as advantage, 
You have every Shade... Explore the wildness,
Give and Contribute postivity , Decline and cut down the thoughts that don't let you grow, 

"" 🌸Learn to Standup for urself! 🌸""



The Nandi signifies the power of the chastity, purity,surrender, womanism and divine reproduction.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. It's a cage to break free from. It takes a free authoritative human to release, the irony of co-dependence that humans made it intolerable.

  3. Well said...A big taboo society have to overcome with.. Hopefully one day!!!

    1. As we are the current society!we shud supposedly be an open one
