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Saturday, 4 April 2020

The Tale Before The "D day"!

The Traditions have been an age old bias towards women!
A girl will have to leave her nest to build a new den
She quivers when she leaves her built hopes behind.
She renders her heart out to a family unknown 
She was hardly a human with defined emotions until she realized that she was suppose to be no less than water which is ever ready to transform
How, How, & How do you think the change would be acceptable!? Asked a little girl to the new bride

She read a tale before she left for the wedding dias that day to the young little girl and herself! 

POEM : To the New Phase!

Wrong is the one! Who thinks a girl leaves...
She carries, binds, multiplies & Adds until you feel tired of counting. My friend!!

Yes!! you shall be together even in the silent memory of God.
But let there be spaces in your togetherness.
And let the winds of heaven dance between you 
Love one another, but do not bind each other in limitations.
Let it rather be a moving sea between the shores of your souls
Fill each others cup with hope and drink by giving space to breath 
Give one another of your bread but not from the same loaf.
Consider each other more as love rather than responsibility on head.
Share pain, love, grief, ...Let the eyes speak the language of love
Surrender with will! Respect More......and Talk fierce truths 

Let not the man forget that he has another family to take care from where the girl hails!
Let not! Let not! & Let not.
Said the man Above!

Consider the power of humanness & Immense love in each other rather than in pillars and monuments.
Said the man Above!
Said the man Above!

She closed the column,
Lifted her cancan and walked with a heavy heart, 
Chin up with a bitter-sweet smile. 
She breathed long and said! 
Welcome the Change!


  1. Interesting blog as always...

    But I'd more likely consider these as well before making a big decision like this ��

    Trust and understand each other more, rather than creating gaps, misunderstandings or passing on judgements.

    Embrace each other's flaws, appreciate them, and create new steps to grow along with forgiveness.

    Let there be happiness, newness, sorrow, surprises, amusements and other memorable moments..., embrace all of them as that completes the life...

    Be there for each other strong-minded by not giving up, creating more and more love...

    Let not each other forget that a new family has arisen that they should take care of...

    Keep up the good work, waiting for your next blog.

    I ain't a writer like you but just scribbled up my thoughts, forgive me if it's not relevant...

    -- MV

  2. Dear MV

    Thanks for taking out time and going through the blog!Means much..

    But,Your point of view is not matching with the depth of blog writing

    As the emotions a girl witness during that hour is never pre-decided and cannot be experienced until unless you wear her shoes..

    Moreover, A boy always forgets that he has an additional family to..He just bothers about his living here..about much does the girl look after his family..But I just want him to remember each and everytime from where she comes how is that place...

    He shud visit more often like a son rather than a son-in-law!

    Do more than just ask for name sake.
    Asking nothing makes him less doing this.

    Hope the right meaning reaches you!

    Humble Regards!
