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Thursday, 24 May 2018

Unplanned Playlist!

Among crores and millions of beings striding in and out of the planet, There has been no person who is away from "Playlist" Music has become an integral part of each and every soul.

If you slow down and hear! While we chew those crisp hard nuts inside our mouth, we catch ourselves making crackling sounds which keep resonating till our brain.And whilst you incidentally tap your feet on ground while soaring high in the air on a swing....theirs an impromptu rhythm in sync. Isn't it?

We are bound with all the probable highs and lows of music from "sa re ga ma pa" to "hip hop" where we also end up having long discussions about the notes and styles of it from all stakes and corners of the world with friends,cousins and rest!

So as to bring light on.....Life is one such word, or say a high pitched intonation in these bunch of creative playlists!

I always had this one statement in mind i.e
 "Life is discovery!"

It's discovery, not when you end up having the highest grade in your class. But,its when you end up having a new rise of never to die curiosity while learning in you're class

It's discovery not when you win a cup in a marathon,But when you learn what was that mere instinct which made you run the marathon.

It's discovery not when you learn which subject you want to choose after you're 10th std. But when you actually begin the art of learning,how to analyze and make a decision.

It's discovery not when you lose with you're opponent and sit depressed. But, when you learn the lesson of what you are supposedly weak or good at.

I have noticed many instances since my childhood where parents tend to force their younger ones to follow the opinions and suggestions they seek from their peers and don't even bother to have a relevant discussion of taste with the one who is probably going to work,learn,grieve or master it!

I always wondered why are all well known people either drop-outs! or they are some kind of mis-happening's (as people say).. have actually made it to google (which is mostly the father and mother of all the solutions today!) Well! in my definition they have mastered what they loved by not bothering about the world in short.

To all those who plan things just like their selected songs of list in their phones.
Say yes! to everything that comes your way and challenge you're self if it pleases you not to please the rest in and around the globe.

Discover sanity of delicacy, wisdom, generosity and chivalry. Its a damn rare combination....try mastering at least one if your heart desires them or ......All! Again not to please but to grow.

Your's truly


  1. Loved it truly!every thing u say is so meaningful n realistic....happy writings ...eagerly awaiting to read more😚

  2. Happy that u liked it ....thank you so much :)
