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Thursday, 24 May 2018

Unplanned Playlist!

Among crores and millions of beings striding in and out of the planet, There has been no person who is away from "Playlist" Music has become an integral part of each and every soul.

If you slow down and hear! While we chew those crisp hard nuts inside our mouth, we catch ourselves making crackling sounds which keep resonating till our brain.And whilst you incidentally tap your feet on ground while soaring high in the air on a swing....theirs an impromptu rhythm in sync. Isn't it?

We are bound with all the probable highs and lows of music from "sa re ga ma pa" to "hip hop" where we also end up having long discussions about the notes and styles of it from all stakes and corners of the world with friends,cousins and rest!

So as to bring light on.....Life is one such word, or say a high pitched intonation in these bunch of creative playlists!

I always had this one statement in mind i.e
 "Life is discovery!"

It's discovery, not when you end up having the highest grade in your class. But,its when you end up having a new rise of never to die curiosity while learning in you're class

It's discovery not when you win a cup in a marathon,But when you learn what was that mere instinct which made you run the marathon.

It's discovery not when you learn which subject you want to choose after you're 10th std. But when you actually begin the art of learning,how to analyze and make a decision.

It's discovery not when you lose with you're opponent and sit depressed. But, when you learn the lesson of what you are supposedly weak or good at.

I have noticed many instances since my childhood where parents tend to force their younger ones to follow the opinions and suggestions they seek from their peers and don't even bother to have a relevant discussion of taste with the one who is probably going to work,learn,grieve or master it!

I always wondered why are all well known people either drop-outs! or they are some kind of mis-happening's (as people say).. have actually made it to google (which is mostly the father and mother of all the solutions today!) Well! in my definition they have mastered what they loved by not bothering about the world in short.

To all those who plan things just like their selected songs of list in their phones.
Say yes! to everything that comes your way and challenge you're self if it pleases you not to please the rest in and around the globe.

Discover sanity of delicacy, wisdom, generosity and chivalry. Its a damn rare combination....try mastering at least one if your heart desires them or ......All! Again not to please but to grow.

Your's truly

Friday, 18 May 2018

Be heard!


Today! I was randomly going through this long updated new feature in whatsapp i.e "whatsapp status"
And i spotted one of a known person's status with a newspaper click which stated "Jobless engg graduate records video, kills self!" with a "Good morning" tag line from the individual who posted it.

What caught my half opened cornea's attention.... in the untimely morning (Now, you must be wondering ....early in the morning was she with her phone?...Oh! I admit, i just roll over my hand below my headrest and grab the hard lined screen while laying on my couch giving a glance over every message with my half opened eyeball while the other is still asleep..and brood on to revert them later.)

And, as i said i usually drift back  people later...and they get offended because of my lame conduct..I happened to return back to this guy on his status by early noon by texting "Seriously!wats good morning" and he being alert as always who quickly pinged me saying "Good morning because we are not a fool like him to quit"

Well! well!! This guy is someone whom i have known for more than a decade to be precise...whose frame of mind and painless attitude is damn upfront for today's diplomatic world to understand or receive it in a positive manner.It so happened that this guy left his monthly pocket money which usually costs our half life's, and moments of happiness at stake saying my life is more than just the mere ruthless package the company pays.

Right now! Hopefully he must be building some unusual castles of his dreams into reality which are unsaid yet but are soon going to ring the bells of success in our eardrums! He denotes himself to be an outcast in this world where he is parallely sailing by... but is living by uttering "i m not built for the normal suffering which every human goes should be a series of variety" he roars!

What actually made me scribble about this instant is,

I came across three humorous nuances which left my tiny nerves to wriggle over.
firstly the foolish guy who recorded his video and died (No offense... to his family..Condolences!)
Moreover about the guy who posted about him and tagged "Good morning"
lastly, me who thought the guy was sick to tag ..."Good morning" under such hideous post.
And later after his response i realized how incorrectly i would perceive this guy hadn't i asked him about it!

And then i wondered what about those known contacts of his or with anyone whom i would debate randomly in my leisure..because if we don't have anything to speak and i end up talking about this topic.....Just to begin or continue a conversation......hmmmm!
What i tether to conclude regarding the whole scenario is people are less clear about what they say! or supposedly sarcastic i presume in their own way, And before we end up to any conclusions, questioning them and having a conversation about it is much more imperative to have a clear picture rather than creating an imaginary perception about the individual.

Another point regarding the post the guy who attempted to carry on such a deliberate task .....I feel Though we might not be the best at what we do right now but time will hone us to be better in the long run!..we are definitely here with a purpose to fill our life's or the rest around us with some profound meaning which may render in itself by your perpetual conduct, we might create some instance of value for the coming generations, by letting them know valid theories of peace,learning,wit,power,smiles,maturity,contentment.....and last but not the least live for the rest around, and to stop taking life for granted!

Acha...bhagya :).....................Gd luck!

Wednesday, 2 May 2018

The Other day!

Hey peeps!

I happened to witness a guy on paves the other day!
He wore a dangling pale cream shirt it seemed to be drooping of from one of his 
His crimson suit was hung on his left arm paired with royal blue pants 
styled from the 90's trends the belt was cripply buckled.
Shoes were murky brown fashioned in a pointed patterned as though reaching a high cliff
but yet seemed classy, i also noticed slight mist of dust hovered on it with the help of a candle which was lit at an accountable two step distance near a chana-batana stall

I tried reading his facial features,but was unable to catch hold of the details and was interleaved having a faint image of a man who was stiff yet hunched, I don't know how?
His hair was long almost lingered till the rim of the collar, i helped my curious eyes
reach his nose which had a bump bone, and was pointed out like a beak,
He seemed to be gifted with a very crisp jaw line, his complexion was unnoticed due to the dull street lights, yet i managed to strain self with this unconventional rage of curiosity and got a
glimpse of his silver lined eyes when his 7 inch screen's light beamed over his face for a while as he picked up a call. 

As i was reading him more,
The image my mind constructed earlier was transforming to where i reached till the 
second half stanza above.

Then i questioned myself!
What am i doing, Is it right to judge people the way i am doing?

But, Wait! Hold on!

This is how every alternate person judges at his first glance,
When i actually ended up seeing that man in the bright forefront light which 
dazzled through a car's flashy headgear and left all dark again in just fraction of seconds was 
the same man i met fortnight ago and spoke about a book named "Unsuitable boy" 
his gait of walking changed a lot since then i thought for a while, but then i broke myself from the string and pondered about
what we spoke.....hmm...No wonder! he was a man of matter and brains undoubtedly,

But,again as i scratched my cerebrum straining my tiny neurons in it...I thought over and pondered,
regretfully not finding any satisfying solution to quench my thirst in this 
unbearable brightness showered by Mr.Golden who skipped our ozone years ago!(Probably! true ryt..)

So here's my questionnaire for you brainee's,

What's the first thing you notice when you dash into a he/she?

What do think will make you stop and give a head turn to the next beside you!

      ( Looks are deceiving guys! It has become a world renowned statement now!!) 

And i want something else other than just this statement.....

Lets be honest...What do you notice first! How do you judge them?
Do you even reach out to a person without judging?
What makes us matter the most to lend out a hand for a shake?
Is shaking hands done only in business or known friends or also with the ones you
never seen?

Pen down and critic what you see,feel,and how you want it to be...