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Monday, 23 April 2018


There is always something we dream off ...which will land us to our sole purpose of existence.

 Let's say, you might dream off being an artist or may be a singer or, something extraordinary dwelling out of the mundane league. My statement here doesn't denote having varied dreams while you're asleep which portray or signify a  new character or event each night and you might end up stalking over that varied dream each day!

No! I don't mean that,
What i tether about Dream is,
Dreams are a subconscious state of mind, they release us from our so called comparisons, which we witness from our peers and also from inner self.
Its a gut instinct, a profound intuition.. which we crave for doing it each day...
Where we don't expect people to acknowledge us or push us to complete that task.
Where we just find reasons to get back into that schedule to chase and reach.
Where and when while implementing we always feel butterflies in our tummy...ohh yes! that's our right place! It means... your living not just surviving.!!

We are on a journey to keep an appointment with our selves.
But eventually, we happen to get carried away by the wind!
It might lure us for a while ..But, will drop us down mid-way, because it was not what we chose to be.Instead, it was just the one we happened to follow in herds.

We are in a steadfast race with no destiny finalized other than mere death which is for sure going to happen someday!
So when you have something new in the upper shelf of your brain which even your heart abides by but the world laughs at! when you happen to spill the beans with them.
Then i insist just FOLLOW IT !
Though its tough or we might see no road to get that done soon...but still drive towards it!

I always felt dreams are ways to convey of what and were your heart resides...It gives you traces and nuances to recognize your taste,your chastity,your affection,your inclination towards it...

Obviously they say it's much easier to follow your passions when you're financially secure, But
Let me tell you one small conversation which made me ponder ...whole day about what i am doing?
It goes this way....

 (I reach my office at work after a weekend! And, I just happened to dash into one of my co-worker (Pavan) )

Co-worker - Hey! how are you this morning?

Self: Am good! As-usual back to work..How are you?

Co-worker - So how's work going on ...

Self: Well....hmm its "Ista"(The application's name - probably on which i was working ) Last version's test.

Co-worker - You know what ...Ash ,When i mentioned work , I asked about your personal work or dream which you ever had ..Not about office...
Work at office is just 20% where you work to survive
But your remaining 80% should be the reason for your existence.And I was rightfully asking about that!

This session which lasted for just 2 mins turned my brain upside - down to just think over....

And then...
I  just initiated to work on my intuition...
Though have not reached yet!
But am set out to live a new journey which keeps me up! Each morning.

Where at least i can find solace in the fact that, i now have the time to pursue the things that really matter to me because now the option of doing things just for the sake of mere pennies isn't necessarily a GOAL any more!


  1. This is big. This is really really big💯✌️

  2. wow......ur and ur co-worker conversation was great, it made me to recall ,realize and finalize lot many things from my subconscious memory.even though ur conversation lasted for 2 mins, but it scheduled up my free time for the next 2 years.Thxs dear for sharing ur conversation and ur thoughts with us which made me to meet my inner self once again .

  3. This will defenetly make atleast a good number to pause and think about their dreams...Good one dear..

  4. Very good, Don't just dream, work for your dream.
    If you can't work don't dream.

  5. Dream.....untill ur dreams come true...
    If u want to ur dream come true, work for it.

  6. The thing about were Soo right ...our intuition can never go wrong .Girl this post truely inpires everyone out there to listen to their intuition in order to give life to their dreams .

  7. When an article is so beautifully written,
    the person who reads this will no longer want to have his dreams hidden.

    Continue to spread happiness Aishwarya.
    You're doing a great job! :)

    1. Ur acknowledgement means a lot!! Thanks for a poetic push!!

  8. Some hidden stuff inside ur heart is pouring out ... well I didn’t waste my time reading it ....GOOD awesome work keep gng !

    1. Happy to see you here! Thanks for the feedback..

  9. Lovely u hav instincts to become a good author...well done sis love u..i definitely agree that we should live upto our dreams

  10. Well.. I agree on the whole thing.. But in dreams we do not care about the consequences... Wish I could dream with consequences in mind... However, thanks for taking me one step closer to following my dreams... Even though I still regretfully don't have the courage to follow them.

    1. Beauty of not to reach the destiny my friend! In-fact life is all about living the journey,apprehending the consequences, If all could be served on your plate then that would be definite(may be according to people's choice of what they have, probably),but if you serve it yourself..then its in-definite and ultimately your choice in the end which will make u live your dream....

      Its might be damn tough...but, Instead of thinking...what if i fall! just for a min ..presume what if i fly..!! you never know you're calling and craving might be your next when u look back will be the happiest ..I assure!

  11. The whole narration is good and you've done a great job. Keep posting so often so that we inspire more from your writings.

  12. Thanks & Yeah! will be active from now on... :)

  13. Another Amazing update ... Someone said once " Dreams won't work unless you do "...I belive that if one says that they dream to be something and really don't put effort to work on pesuing it (for whatever reasons ) , it basically never was their dream but a hallucination . One must atleast try to attempt on making it a reality . I am glad you are working on it sis 😘

  14. You have different way of seeing thing and making that thinking available to read by Every one is work what writer does and you are emerging writer. I suggest you to right more and more
